2013 Montana APCO Award Winners
Better late than never, right? With the 2014 Conference coming up, we thought we'd share last year's winners.
Montana's 2013 Trainer of the year, Gloria Malstom, from Helena / Lewis and Clark County 911. Pictured are: Lt. Torey Keltner, Capt. Curt Stinson, Gloria Malstrom, Chief Troy McGee, Sheriff Leo Dutton, and Assistant Chief Steve Hagen. Gloria also won Conference Fees paid for the 2013 International APCO Conference in Anaheim, California.
2013 Telecommunicator of the Year, Sapphira Olson from Sheridan County 9-1-1! Pictured are: Susan Bomstad - MT APCO President / Sapphira Olson - Sheridan County 9-1-1 - Telecommunicator of the Year / Kimberly Burdick - APCO Board of Director / Amanda Christensen, Director - Sheridan County 9-1-1
Scott Nelson - MSPOA Officer of the Year from Sheridan County / Sapphira Olson - Sheridan County 9-1-1 - Telecommunicator of the Year / Heidi Williamson - MSPOA Officer of the Year from Sheridan County