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The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials
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Award Nomination
APCO Communications Center Trainer of the Year 2023
Please complete the form below
Nominator Information
Nominator Name
Name of Nominator
First Name
Last Name
Nominator Job Title
Nominator Email
Email of Nominator
Nominator Phone
Nominator Agency
Nominator Agency Address
How did you learn of this award
We are curious where you learned about these awards
MT APCO Website
Email from MT APCO
MT APCO's Facebook Page
Through a Colleague
Through an APCO Chapter
CJIN Announcement
Nominee Information
Name of Nominee
First Name
Last Name
Nominee Job Title
Nominee Email
Nominee Agency
Nominee Agency Address
Nomination Body
*Answer each question individually under the questions. Each answer has a number value so questions left unanswered will negatively influence the scoring of the nomination.
I agree
*1. Describe the nominee’s public safety communications agency. Please include staffing levels, size, and discipline (law, fire, EMS, PSAP only, etc.).
*2. Describe the nominee’s daily and additional pertinent duties and responsibilities.
*3. Tell us how long the nominee has been at this job and any previous public safety communications positions the nominee has held.
*4. Describe how the nominee functions as a team player.
*5. How does nominee demonstrate their knowledge of the profession & flexibility in task assignments. Provide an example of how the nominee may go above & beyond what is required of this position.
*6. Describe how the nominee is a role model and how he or she demonstrates professionalism and dedication to the profession.
*7. Explain how the nominee instructs, mentors and nurtures trainees to help trainees fulfill their potential.
*8. Is the nominee able to convey clear expectations of performance and achievement along with providing timely and ongoing feedback in areas of success and those areas needing more attention?
*9. In one page or less, describe why the candidate should receive the 2022 Montana APCO Public-Safety Communications Trainer of the Year award.
Thank you!